Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Week 20

Good Afternoon,
I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. I am sorry we are not meeting today for Essentials.
Week 20 was going to be a review day for us. There was nothing new to introduce.
I encourage you all to read through Lesson 20 in the EEL guide. Please let me know if you have any questions.There were a couple of things we were going to do in class today. We were going to take a basic sentence and add modifiers to it. This is similar to what you do in IEW.  We were planning to add one word adjectives, one word adverbs, adverbial prepositional phrases, adjectival prepositional phrases, adjectival clauses(who/which clauses), and adverbial clauses( those starting with www.asia.wub).
This would be something you could do at home. They have a sentence in the guide that you could follow. Of course there would be multiple right answers for one sentence. Along with adding the prepositional phrases to the sentences, we were going to review prepositions. Now is a good time to make sure your child has the list memorized.  I will list the basic sentences I was going to use in class to have the students add the modifiers.  We were then going to task sheet a sentence in class. I can post the sentence at the bottom of the page. I will try to label the sentence , so you will have the answers. I do not know how to post a diagram to the blog.  If you are unsure of how to diagram the sentence, please email me, and I will help you through it.

Of course working on these sentences is totally optional. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Sentences to add modifiers .Of course you can make up your own.
1. A dog scurried. (S-Vi)

A sad and lonely dog scurried.(one word adjectives)
A dog in the park scurried.( adjectival prepositional phrase, tells which dog even though it is a location)
A dog scurried in the park.( adverbial prepositional phrase, tells where the dog scurried. when I move the location of the same phrase it answers a different question)
A dog, who was sad and lonely, scurried. ( adjectival clause)
A dog scurried while he was being chased by the cat.( adverbial clause)
A dog silently scurried .( one work adverb tells how he scurried)

2. The fur felt soft. (S-Vl-PA)

The fuzzy fur felt soft. (one word adjective)
The fur of the cat felt soft. ( adjectival prepositional phrase, tells whose fur)
The fur felt soft in the cold. ( adverbial prepositional phrase, where the fur felt soft)
The fur, which belonged to the cat, felt soft.(adjectival clause)
The fur felt soft because the cat just had a bath.( adverbial clause , tells why the fur felt soft)
The fur felt wonderfully soft. ( one word adverb)

-this is a good time to tell the difference between a phrase and a clause. A phrase does not contain a subject and a verb. A clause does contain both a subject and a verb.

Sentence to task sheet. I am going to label the words in parentheses if you need more answers please email me.

Mrs. Hinson, our teacher,  made chocolate cookies and purchased soda for our party since she did not paint her kitchen green.

Complex, declarative , S-Vt-Do,( S-Vt-DO-OCA)- there is a compound verb with direct object in the independent clause.

Mrs Hinson- Subject noun
our- possessive pronoun adjective
teacher- noun appositive
made- verb transitive
chocolate- adjective
cookies-direct object
and- conjunction
purchased- verb transitive
soda-direct object
for-preposition (adverbial prepostional phrase, it tells why she purchased)
our- possessive pronoun adjective
party-object of preposition
since-subordinating conjunction
she-subject pronoun
did- helping verb
paint-verb transitive
her- possessive pronoun adjective
kitchen- direct object
green- object complement adjective

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