Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Week 14

Wow! I am glad week 14 is over. How about you?
Yesterday was a crazy day. There is a lot of sickness going around.
I hope I was somewhat coherent yesterday in class. Please ask me
questions if there is any confusion. The complex structure does take
some time to understand. The first part of class was a review of the S-Vt-IO-DO
pattern along with the complex structure. We were also able to review the imperative
purpose. Each class looked at 2 sentences. We looked at a sentence with an adverbial dependent clause and one with an adjectival clause. I hope you saw the differences in each.  If you have any questions please let me know.  Adverbial Clauses answer the same questions as adverbs, and they begin with a subordinate conjunction.( Adjectival clauses(who/which) answer the adjective questions and begin with a relative pronoun.
Verb Voice was introduced yesterday. Linking verbs do not have a voice!!  Active voice is basically when the subject of the sentence preforms the action of the verb.  Passive voice is where the subject does not preform the action .  Here was my main example:
 Mrs. Hinson threw the ball.(active voice- Mrs. Hinson is the subject , and she is doing the action of the verb)
The ball was thrown by Mrs. Hinson. ( passive voice- The ball is the subject of the sentence. The ball is being acted upon, but the ball is not doing the action.)
Here is the blue print for changing an active voice verb to a passive voice verb.
1.Add a helping verb
2. The verb becomes the past participle
3. If there was a direct object in the active voice sentence, the direct object will become the subject in the passive voice sentence.

There are some verbs that are hard to change into the passive voice. It will just depend upon what verb is being used. Some sentences you will have to modify to be able to change into the passive voice. We did talk about this in the first class. I touched on the verb anatomy in the first class, but we chose to diagram a second sentence in the second class. We will work with the verb anatomy in class some next week. We went over it several weeks ago. The chart for this week is DD, which is an advanced chart. Chart DD is working with the passive voice. You can also choose to work with chart CC , which is the active voice.
Basically, you just want your child copying this to learn the pattern. You can pick other verbs to work.
I used 'to save'  in class. It works well with changing it to passive.  For example - I save(active) , I am saved(passive) . To love is the verb used on the chart. As I said above not all verbs will work in changing to the passive voice when just using a pronoun with no other words for objects. If you have questions about this, please ask me.
Things to do this week.
1. Read lesson 14 in the EEL guide.
2. Work sentences in the back of lesson 14.
3. Work with Chart CC/DD.
4. Review other charts that your child may need extra time studying.

Please contact me if you have any questions through email or call me.

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