everyone seemed to have memorized some of the chart. Please continue to review Chart A and B.
Along with asking your child to name the 4 purposes of a sentence, it can be helpful to ask them the other way. Give them the list : Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, and Exclamatory and ask your child
what those are. We did this when I was going over Chart A on the board.
We looked at the Verb Chart, which is chart C. This chart contains a lot of information.
We went over most of it during class. I wish I had worked a little bit more on just picking
out the verb in a sentence. We will cover all of the items on Chart C throughout the coming weeks.
Please continue to work on loading the grammar,which is primarily memorizing the charts.
The week 2 lesson in your EEL guide does a good job explain all of the parts of Chart C and Chart
D. I encourage you to read through it. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
I am going to forward some songs put out on CC connected . One of the songs puts chart C to song.
I am just sending these for you to use if you choose.
Along with memorizing the charts, you can work with your child on picking the verbs out in any sentence.
Either make some up , or find some in a book.
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