Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Week 15

I hope everyone is enjoying the snow. I am sorry we had such a rushed class today.
This week we are still working with the complex structure and the S-Vt-IO-DO pattern.
We did quickly review interjections, and we talked about the interrogative purpose.
We were able to quickly go over task 5 and 6 in both classes. Task 5 is changing sentences
based on purpose and structure. We have worked with rewriting sentences by purpose , but not as much by structure. This is a dialectic skill. It does take time to learn this skill.
Next we went over the Quid et Quo. Everyone has this sheet page protected in section 5 of your student notebook. It should be behind your page protected task sheet.  I recommend using the detailed format. The basic format leaves out some options, and I think it is more confusing with these options  missing.  The detailed format is on the back side of the basic format.
We worked through how to do the Quid et Quo. The Quid et Quo is basically describing each word in the sentence. These attributes come directly from the memory charts for that part of speech.  Please let me know if you have any questions. I did mention in class that I like to do the Quid et Quo verbally. I think it helps the kids to really think about what attributes should be attributed to that part of speech. I do recommend waiting to do this verbally until your child has done the worksheet and understands it. The sentences that are in the back of the EEL lessons have the answers to Task 1-6 of each sentence in that lesson. Please let me know if you have any questions. I am sorry we did not get to the verb anatomy or the verb tenses.
I was planning to go over the verb tense by time and form with the verb anatomy. The time and form of verb tense is explained on the verb chart. If you have time to look over that this week, please do so. Also, you can work with it by copying Chart N, which is the verb anatomy for the verb 'to have' .  We will try to quickly look over this at the beginning of class.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.
Things to do.
1. Read lesson 15 in the EEL guide.
2. Copy chart N.
3. Review verb tense on verb chart.
4. Task sheet sentences in lesson 15.

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