Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Week 2: Vivacious Verbs

This week we did a big overview of Verbs.  There is no crying in Essentials, but I know that the overview weeks right at the beginning can overwhelm.  Please hang in there.  We will be slowing down and taking individual bites of the proverbial elephant very soon.  Also, I want to remind you that there is a lot of memory work at the beginning  (first two-three weeks) and then it levels off to a sustainable pace.

Assignments this week:

Memory Work (Grammar)

On the checklists, this is the “Drill” part.

First year students: Practice chart A again and work on the definition of a verb (gray bar at top of chart C or in memory work).  Cover week two memory work.  Kids, use those flashcards!

Second year students: Practice chart A (Sentence Classifications) on a blank sheet of paper.  Practice copying chart C (Verbs) using the blank chart C.  Fill in as much as you can.  Make sure you know the verb types, attributes, and tense (made of a combination of time and form).

Third year students: Practice writing out charts A and C on a blank sheet of paper.

Understanding (Dialectic)

For those of you using the checklists, this is the “Do” section.

I covered compound subjects and compound verbs in class.  Please go over some examples of these at home.

Also, I introduced intransitive and transitive verbs.  Feel free to review this, but we will revisit this in a few weeks, so don’t feel that you have to get this yet.  I just wanted to put this on your radar.

For first year students using the checklists, please disregard the Task Sheet check box.  Just take the designated sentences and dictate and check for spelling, punctuation, and the five elements that make up a sentence (from chart A).

Second and third year students, dust off those Task Sheets and get to it.  The checklists start Quid et Quo on week 5!

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