Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Week 18: Review!

Ahh...time to take a deep breath! Week 18 in EEL stipulates "nothing new"!

The sentence structure, purpose and pattern of the lesson is complex imperative S-Vt-DO-OCN and S-Vt-DO-OCA, but you have the freedom to choose your work at home. Definitely try to incorporate Tasks 1-6 into your discussion where you can.

During class today, we reviewed our 112 classifications of structure, purpose and pattern. The students engaged extremely well during class. How much they have learned so far! We reviewed everything using a worksheet I made about blue whales. Parents who were absent can ask to see this worksheet; it should help jog memories.

Our IEW time consisted of demonstrating the structures to follow for one-, three-, and five-paragraph essays. We also reviewed and introduced sentence openers. I won't write much about the optional essay lengths because of the detail I went into last week. But each student carried home two examples of structure: One says Lesson 7 at the top and shows how to add an introductory statement and final clincher to a three-paragraph essay. The other, which I printed out of the IEW Resource Notebook, teaches the structure of a five-paragraph essay that includes an introduction paragraph and a conclusion paragraph.

Regarding sentence openers, we discussed two new ones:

  1. The -ing opener. Example: Running like the wind, I raced my friend down the sidewalk.

  2. The www.asia.b opener. Example: When I read my Bible, I grow closer to the Lord.

Students should remember that sentence openers ADD ON to or INTRODUCE an existing sentence. For example, "Winning is fun" is a sentence, but it doesn't count as an -ing opener because the sentence wouldn't remain without the subject noun "winning."

The IEW book actually teaches this opener, called #4, on page 131 of our books. Try looking over this together at home, because this page actually contradicts what I allowed in class today (sorry!): I was letting them use "During..." as a #4, but IEW apparently counts it as a #2 prepositional phrase opener only. IEW says the -ing word

  • must be a verb and

  • it must begin a phrase and

  • be followed by a comma setting it apart from the main body of the sentence.

Anyway, students should complete, revise and polish their rough drafts of their faith essays at home. I'll collect these, along with completed checklists, next Tuesday. I can't wait to hear them read! I'll try to allow ample time.

Have a superb week reviewing and writing together,

Mrs. Erin

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