Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Week 21: Choose your focus.

Your kids did so well yesterday! I was pleased with all we accomplished in class. I hope our time spent identifying punctuation, capitalization and grammatical mistakes in their own sentences sticks with them through their writing this week. I hope my words of encouragement will remain in their minds, too. It's extremely easy to make mistakes when learning to write more difficult sentence structures. With so many words and ideas to manage, that's the reason these sentences are called "complex"! The kids seem willing to learn in class, and I pray they have teachable hearts at home, too!

You may choose your EEL focus at home once again this week. I may send an email before Tuesday regarding my focus for our last three classes.

When they write their IEW final drafts this week, make sure they follow the lesson's directions with regard to structure:
  • In their first paragraph, they need an introductory sentence that reflects the prompt, then a Topic A intro sentence, body sentences, and clincher sentence.
  • The second paragraph should contain a Topic B intro, body sentences, and clincher.
  • The third paragraph should begin with a Topic C intro, follow with the body sentences and Topic C clincher, and finally end with one or two sentences that repeat or reflect the key words of the paper's introductory sentence.

See everyone Tuesday. I'll allow plenty of time for reading! These should be interesting papers to hear!


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