Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Week 2: Perusing and Pondering Strong Verbs!

Our main goal during class today consisted of learning the four types of verbs (EEL) and brainstorming strong verbs (IEW) to replace commonly overused verbs such as go, went, come and came. All the students seemed to pick up on this information with relative simplicity! Aren't we thankful for such intelligent and eager children!

At home this week, use your Week 2 memory work and the corresponding charts to begin the road to mastery of this KEY part of speech that gives life to our sentences!

When reviewing Lesson 2 in your EEL Guides, you'll notice what's probably an overload of verb information for one week. Much of this information will be revisited during the year once we've grasped the basics. For now, focus on the following lesson notes at home this week:

1. Verb Types (intransitive, transitive, linking and helping) -- Use the sample sentences on the "Verb Types" chart to teach the different verb types. The students will quickly begin recognizing the differences if they look at them in sentences. If you want to practice Task 2 (Dictation & Mechanics) on your Student EEL Task Sheets, these sentences might work well!

2. Basic Verb Tense (past, present and future).

3. Person (1st, 2nd, 3rd).

4. Number (singular or plural).

5. Begin memorizing the helping verb and linking verb lists.

Additionally, spend some time with apostrophes if you know your student has not mastered them. In particular, review "its" versus "it's." In all of my freelance editing, this is perhaps the most common punctuation error I see.

Turning to IEW, we are devoting one more week to poetry. The photocopied assignment will guide you step by step through the process of brainstorming, writing, revising, finalizing and checklisting! The week focuses on using strong verbs and adding "-ly" adverbs. Please remind your budding writers to capitalize the first letter of each line and to write their names on their poems! Next Tuesday, checklists should be attached with a paperclip to final papers.

I believe I'm finished. Thank you for sharing your delightful children with me. I'm eagerly awaiting next week already!

Two down, 22 to go,


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