Thursday, March 5, 2015

Week 19


This week in English grammar, we took a closer look at verbs and walked through the importance of irregular verbs and principle parts of verbs.  Having the principle parts of verbs memory work in Foundations helped smooth this discussion.  For practice applying the concept, we chose to lay (to place or put) and to lie (to lower, something that "I" can do to myself) and worked through sentences with different tenses of these verbs.  Another good set of irregular verbs to work through would be to rise and to raise.

We also reviewed the OCN sentence pattern and composed an interrogative, OCN, complex sentence.  We began with the OCN declarative sentence and practiced the three different ways to make it interrogative.  After making it interrogative, we added a dependent clause.  Voila! Interrogative, OCN, complex.


This week we began our 3-4 week Library Research Paper.  For homework, students will need to…
1. Locate 2-3 good sources about a person in United States history.
2. Narrow down to three topics to research about that person.
3. Make key word outlines (KWO) from facts in each source for topic #1 then fuse the outlines into one 5-7 fact KWO.
4. Repeat for topic #2.
5. Brainstorm strong verbs, quality adjectives, etc. so that the student is better prepared to write the paragraphs.

Be ready to continue next week with a third KWO and writing all three body paragraphs.

The third week, we will tackle the introductory and concluding paragraphs.

A possible fourth week will allow us to polish up the papers and prepare costumes (optional) for reading on the last day of class.

Note: One option is to write the paper without revealing the person's name.  Then everyone can take a guess about who it is.

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