Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Week 16: I call this class a smart group of students!

Good morning! I feel like I need to apologize for my brain power yesterday. I felt completely muddled at times -- pregnancy brain, I suppose, but frustrating nonetheless. I hope the kids didn't leave completely confused about object complement nouns!

I did introduce our sixth sentence pattern yesterday: S-Vt-DO-OCN. We looked at and labeled several sentences together. We modified them by changing either our sentence structure to complex or our sentence purpose to interrogative, imperative or exclamatory. We also learned how to diagram this newest sentence pattern. At home this week, keep reviewing memory work and begin practicing your OCN sentences. Pretty simple!

Thankfully, IEW is simple, too. Complete Lesson 16 from last week and Lesson 17, which I distributed yesterday, for a finished paper on "The Sword in the Stone." We learned a new decoration: the simile, which compares one thing to another using "like" or "as." Examples would be "hard as a rock" or "gentle as a lamb." And though they aren't included in the lesson, I also discussed metaphors, which call one thing another thing, such as "God is my rock," or "America is a melting pot." The kids can choose among these when adding decorations this week.

If you completed two KWOs and two rough draft paragraphs last week, your IEW assignment this week is to complete your third KWO and rough draft graph, then revise and polish your paper and complete your final checklist. The dress ups and decorations are what will really distinguish one student's paper from another with this assignment, so work diligently in this area!

Thanks. Have a wonderful week at home together. Let me know if you have questions.


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