I'm enjoying our break, but I'm missing my students and their joyful smiles!
I've finally spent this morning tallying our Samaritan's Purse gift and am once again overwhelmed by our kids' generosity. Their hard work and generous spirits are enabling us to give $386.50 to Samaritan's Purse this Christmas. That's $27.60 per student! How wonderful! Please give them huge hugs for me.
At church yesterday, we read the following verses from 2 Corinthians 9:
"Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. ... This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God." (vs. 7, 13)
Watching the kids get so excited over how much and what to give in class a couple of weeks ago really brought these verses to life. In their generous act of service, our children are giving the following items:
- 10 life-saving mosquito nets
- 3 hot meals for a week
- 5 blankets and bedding
- 1 box for Operation Christmas Child
- feeding 2 hungry babies for a week
- 3 dozen baby chicks
- 1 Bible
- help learning to read and write for 1 child
- clothing and shoes for 1 child
- 1 water filter
- 1 set of sports gear
Classical Conversations declares the purpose of education is "to know God and to make Him known." As homeschooling parents, we strive daily to point our children toward God, trusting him to reveal himself to them in personal and relevant ways in order that they might know him lovingly. I am so thankful for a group of parents and students who aren't content to stop with knowing him but who want to make him known through cheerful, obedient and generous giving!
Huge blessings on you all during Christmas! I'll see you in January.
Mrs. Erin